Sunday, September 11, 2005

Jazz for Charity!

That's where you can currently bid on 12 individual drawings I did for Katrina relief. They're all jazz-based, very loose and graphic, and the bidding is still fairly low as I write this. Now's your chance to grab some originals at a good price...TWELVE originals, all at once! GO BID! Help some folks out.

1 comment:

Scott Morse said...

Hey John! And everyone else interested...

You can currently find a few of my originals on eBay if you do a search for SCOTT MORSE. Scroll down to the more "permanent" store section below the typical auctions and you'll find offerings from a couple of dealers that I've worked with. There are originals currently from ELEKTRA: GLIMPSE AND ECHO, BATMAN: ROOM FULL OF STRANGERS, and PLASTIC MAN. The dealers in question have more of a selection if you contact them directly, as well.

Thanks for the original art inquiries! This is currently the best way to go about getting something, unless you find me at a convention...