Finally, they're shipping today. Thanks to everyone who ordered for their patience. I'll be contacting a few of you directly to double check some shipping information, but the bulk of them went out a few minutes ago.
With that, THE ANCIENT BOOK OF MYTH AND WAR is completely sold out. We're not supplying any more copies to our distributor, because we're really and truly out of them. Thanks for grabbing one, if you did, and if you DIDN'T, grab the next one you see at a shop or online. It might be the last!
Work has begun on THE ANCIENT BOOK OF SEX AND SCIENCE, and we're planning a REALLY cool ancilliary product with a REALLY cool third party for this launch next April. Keep yer eyes peeled on the blogs for more info soon. Some preview images will be posted as we go. There will be four volumes of THE ANCIENT BOOK when we're all done...
Also just finished up some work for SCHOLASTIC, some new MAGIC PICKLE projects, which will also hit next year. With the 3 MAGIC PICKLE books, THE ANCIENT BOOK OF SEX AND SCIENCE, and a secret project or two, there are at least FIVE new books slated for 2008 from me, so lots to see coming up!
Thanks again to everyone for your patience. It means the world. It's been a tough, busy couple of months.