They're on their way...two new MAGIC PICKLE books, ready for pre-order from Amazon. Scholastic Books' GRAPHIX imprint is offering new MAGIC PICKLE stories for the first time in six years, with the release of MAGIC PICKLE AND THE PLANET OF THE GRAPES and MAGIC PICKLE VS. THE EGG POACHER. These new books are chapter books, meaning very heavily illustrated prose books, written and illustrated by me. They were incredibly fun to produce, and they're a great expansion of the Magic Pickle mythos. They'll be available at shops in March of 2008, but you can pre-order now. Jully 2008 will also have the rerelease of the MAGIC PICKLE graphic novel, souped up with FULL COLOR by the amazing Jose Garibaldi. So that's 3 MAGIC PICKLE books for 2008. Now you know three more reasons I've been so darn busy!
More soon! I'll try to post the covers shortly.