Monday, May 12, 2008

Run man, run


Frederic said...

Very nice.

Where are you running littel Elephant :)

Matt said...

This day just gets better and better. Every time I see you have a new post I know I'm going to see something incredible and unexpected. Thank you for the constant inspiration.

Matt said...

P.S. - When do we get an update on Number 63?

Steve Neu said...

Really cool. I like the colours


You're simply the best, man.

steve said...

very awesome. i hope i can be a fraction of the artist you are! you continue to be a great inspiration.

Scott Morse said...

Gosh, thank to everyone for the incredible compliments! This piece is the proposed cover for a convention and internet-only 8-page book called RED WINDOW 2008. The plan is to periodically do these 8-page books of paintings and offer them to internet and convention fans only, so they won't be available in shops. I'll probably only print 500 of each volume, and they'll be priced around $10, signed and numbered. And for everyone kind enough to have ordered from me before and then endured INSANE waits for your merchandise, this new venture will run more smoothly, payment through Paypal and immediate shipping. I'll keep you posted when it comes to fruition...hopefully very soon!

And MATT: Number 63 is still in the works,...just haven't had time to work on her. ;) More on that soon, too.

Unknown said...

Wonderful image, it deserves a book.

Gia said...

I feel like that.

steve said...

MAN Scott... you know I'm there for that! Don't even need to ask, just sign me up!!!

Unknown said...

so unique and so much appeal. I really enjoy your work Scott!

Jackson Dryden said...

Your work has this magnetic energy to it. That type of stuff is very hard to find in art nowadays. Well done.

Josh Parpan said...

I love this one!Great color!